We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enrichment of the rich Bengali culture and heritage. Although based out of Jacksonville, our members and operations reach diverse locations around the greater Jacksonville area, North-East Florida and Southern Georgia. We engage in regular religious, cultural and charitable events through which we realize our goals.
Founded in the year 2008, we have had 10 successful years where we have grown from a single event to multiple events every year. We harness a wide vision of engaging other organizations and ethnic groups (both Indian and non-Indian) to spread and learn from interactions with them. The 21st century global Bengali vision is dynamic and colorful. We intend to maintain just that in our activities in Jacksonville and surrounding areas.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are we located?
Bengali Association of North Florida is located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Which events are done by BANF every year?
Durga Pujo, Lokkhi Pujo, Bijoya Sommiloni and Saraswati Pujo are done every year. Each of these events has a cultural program celebrating the rich Bengali heritage of art and culture. Rest of the events such as Annual Picnic, other cultural events are done on year-to-year basis. Apart from the regular events, BANF works as a closely knit family and we have personal events taking place all through the year.
How much is the annual membership fee?
Family (2-4): $180, Individual: $150, Student: $100
What does my membership cover?
It covers fixed yearly events such as Durga Pujo, Lokkhi Pujo, Bijoya Sommiloni and Saraswati Pujo. Rest of the events are pay-per-event basis.
How do I Join BANF?
You can contact any of the Executive Committee members for joining BANF. We also have membership desks during our events.
Can I consider my annual membership fee or additional donation for tax exemption?
Yes, BANF provides official receipt for every membership fee paid as well as additional donation amounts, which can be considered for tax exemption. BANF is a 501(c) certified non profit organization